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Phishing and Security

Phishing and security

Stay safe online with Atradius cyber security and learn to spot suspicious behavior that may be an attempt at phishing or vishing.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy
Your privacy is important to us. In this Privacy Policy we will explain what personal information we collect, how we use it, methods in which we store it and why we may disclose it and to whom. We will also explain how you can access the personal information we hold and also how to make a complaint if you feel that we have compromised your privacy.  We may make changes to the Privacy Policy from time to time and will publish any revised versions on this website

1. What is the personal information

Personal information is information or an opinion about an individual which can be used to identify – or reasonably identify – that individual.  Some personal information is also “sensitive information” and includes information or opinion about things such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions or associations, religion, sexual preference and criminal record. Generally Atradius does not collect sensitive information but if we do, we will only collect it with your consent or if we are legally required to do so.

There may be instances where you want to deal with us anonymously or using a pseudonym e.g. if you request general information about our products or services.  We will try to accommodate such a request but in most cases it will not be practical for you to deal with us in this manner..

2. The information we collect

 Atradius will only collect personal information that is necessary for us to provide you with the products and services you have requested and to manage and pay any claims to you.  The personal  information we collect may include (but is not limited to) names, addresses, contact details and/or email address, your bank account details, your previous claims history, details of current and previous insurance policies and financial information.  For employment applications we may also collect information about residency status, qualifications and proof of identity details.

If you choose not to provide us with the personal information we require then we may not be able to provide the appropriate type or level of product or service to you or we may not be able to consider your employment application with us.

Atradius does not use Australian Commonwealth, State or Territory Government identifiers as its own identifier. If we collect such identifiers then we will not disclose them unless we are legally required to do so.

3. How we collect information

Atradius will only collect personal information by fair and lawful means.

We may collect personal information about you in a number of ways, including directly from you (by telephone, email or facsimile), through documents which we ask you to complete (including those you complete on-line through our website and Atradius Atrium), from publicly available sources and using our own records of other Atradius products or services to which you do or have subscribed to.  We may also collect personal information from someone else including a broker or authorised representative, credit reporting companies and other parties, including those involved in a claim.

We also use internet technology (e.g. cookies) to collect very general statistics about visitors to our website and to monitor the appeal and relevance of our website offers. We use this information to upgrade and improve our website. However, we do not collect personal information or marketing data from cookies. You can tune your browser to not receiving any cookies when visiting our website but if you do so this might limit your options to use all the services our website offers.

4. How does Atradius use personal information?

Atradius will use personal information for any purpose for which you have given your consent and in ways that you could reasonably expect including providing and marketing our products and services, in arranging and managing your insurance requirements, processing and paying claims and undertaking market or customer satisfaction research in relation to our products and services. We may also use personal information when handling complaints and disputes or assessing and processing employment applications.

Whenever we contact you for marketing purposes we will give you the opportunity to “opt out” or “unsubscribe” from future marketing communications. You may also contact our Privacy Manager at any time to opt-in or opt-out of our marketing programmes.

5. Storing personal information

Atradius stores personal information in secure environments including our computer systems or databases and in paper records and telephone recordings. We may also use third party service providers for data storage services. We have the systems and processes in place to protect the personal information we collect from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. 

 6. Disclosure of your information

We may disclose personal information to any person or party authorised by you. We may also disclose personal information to other Atradius companies, affiliates and third parties where it is necessary to do so for us to provide that product or service or if we are legally required to do so. These parties include but are not limited to our external advisers (for example our lawyers, accountants and auditors), reinsurers, other insurers, business partners and service providers.

In some instances, the recipients of this information may be located overseas. The countries in which these parties may be located will vary but will likely include the European Union countries and other countries where Atradius has a presence or a business relationship. There is the possibility that an overseas recipient may be legally required to disclose the information we have provided. If this occurs, it is not a breach of this Privacy Policy or of Australian privacy laws.

7. Accessing your personal information

Atradius aims to ensure that the personal information we collect and store is relevant and accurate, up-to-date and complete. If you believe that the personal information we currently have is incorrect or incomplete, you may contact us and request access to the personal information we hold and also to correct any errors. We will respond within 30 days of receiving the request. Generally, there are no fees involved but we may ask you for proof of identity and/or evidence that you are authorised to access the personal information.

8. Making a complaint

If you have reason to believe that we have in some way compromised your privacy in our handling of your personal information, you may contact our Complaints Manager on 1800 737 638 or by email to or our Privacy Manager.

We will try to resolve your complaint in accordance with our Complaints Resolution process. However, if you are unhappy with the resolution of your complaint – or in the way in which we handled the complaint – you may be able to refer the matter to an external dispute resolution scheme or the Financial Ombudsman Service ( or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (

9. Third party sites

This Web Site may contain hypertext or other computer links to websites operated by persons other than Atradius. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only, the responsibility for the operation and content of those websites rests solely with the organisation controlling that site which shall be goverend by separate terms of use. Atradius shall have no liability to you or any other person or entity for the use of third party web sites.

A hyperlink from this Web Site to another web site does not imply or mean that Atradius endorses the content on that Web site or the operator or operations of that site. You are solely responsible for determining the extent to which you may use any content at any other web sites to which you link from this Web Site. Atradius assumes no responsibility for the use of third party software on the Web Site and shall have no liability whatsoever to any person or entity for the security, accuracy or completeness of any outcome generated by such software.

10. Third party sites

If you have any comments or queries about this Privacy Policy or if you wish to access your personal information, please contact our Privacy Manager on (02) 9201 2212 or by email to

You may also write to our Privacy Manager at;
Atradius Credit Insurance NV
PO Box Q310 Queen Victoria Building, NSW 1230


What is phishing and vishing?

Phishing is an attempt, usually by email or website, to trick you into revealing personal or financial information by appearing to be from a legitimate source, such as Atradius. This information could include your date of birth, login information, account details, credit card details, PIN codes and more. Vishing is an attempt to obtain this information by phone.

How can I recognise phishing and vishing?

You should always be wary of any telephone call or message that asks for your personal or financial information or messages that refer you to a web page asking for this information. Always ask yourself whether contact from an apparently trustworthy organisation might be a scam.

How can I stay secure online?

Be wary. Atradius will never send unsolicited e-mail messages asking our customers to update or verify their personal and security details. Atradius will not telephone you to ask you to update or verify your information, in particular asking you to divulge your password. Your login credentials are personal to you and should not be divulged to any other person.
Be suspicious of generic greetings such as “Dear valued customer”; Atradius will always contact you by name.

Be alert to any warnings posted on Atradius’ website. Think before you click, and pay close attention to login screens. Cyber criminals can use links in emails posts, online advertisements and tweets to direct you to a fake site, where they can steal your login credentials. Only sign in to your account when you are certain you visited the real site directly. To help you be sure that you are connected to the Atradius secure environment; check the following:

Ensure your device’s software is up-to-date, has security software installed and operating. In particular:

What should I do when I suspect a phishing or vishing scam?

Most importantly, never reply to suspicious contact with your personal or financial information.

Don’t fill out forms or sign-in screens that link from these messages.

Do contact Atradius using your usual contact person to report the phishing attempt. Be careful not to use any suggestions included in the suspicious email to contact Atradius; so don’t respond to it, and don’t click any links in the email. Also be careful when contacting us by phone after a suspected vishing attempt – wait several minutes before dialing Atradius as the fraudster might have kept the line open.

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