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Atradius ensures senior managers are always fit and proper for office.

Who is an Atradius Senior Manager?

A senior manager undertakes or is involved in any of the following activities to the extent that they materially affect Atradius' business or financial standing:

Our APRA approved auditors and approved actuaries are also subject to the Fit and Proper Policy.

Fitness and Propriety Criteria

Our senior managers must meet this criteria in its entirety to be deemed fit and proper.

Fit and Proper Statement

Atradius' senior managers have been assessed against our fitness and propriety criteria and have been deemed to be fit and proper to hold office.

The ongoing assurance of fitness and propriety of our senior managers will be re-assessed annually or more frequently should we become aware of any issue which may adversely impact upon the fit and proper assessment of our senior managers.


This Statement and our Fit and Proper Policy are compliant with the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority's (APRA's) Prudential Standard GPS 520.


You should notify us – or APRA directly – of any information, issue, event or concern which you believe either adversely affects the fitness and proprietary of our senior managers or which conflicts with the fitness and propriety criteria outlined in this overview. Your information will be treated in the strictest confidence.